Reactor Effluent Cooler |
A finite element steady state heat transfer and linear elastic thermal and mechanical stress analysis of a Reactor Effluent Cooler was performed. The vessel was analyzed and the results compared to the ASME Section VIII Division 2 criteria (2004 Edition) for primary and secondary stresses (using linearization recommendations from WRC-429) . The inlet and outlet channels and nozzles were included in the model to capture the effects of nozzle loads on the vessel. The tubes were included in the model to capture the effects of differential thermal expansion and added support to the tubesheets. The focus of the analysis and results examination is restricted to the shell, tubesheets and tubesheet forgings.

The loads analyzed were steady state thermal conditions due to normal operation, combinations of shellside and tubeside pressures, vessel weight, contents weight and nozzle loads. Results of the analysis predicted the vessel conforms to the allowable limits for primary and secondary stresses, according to criteria set forth in Mandatory Appendix 4 of Section VIII, Division 2 of the Code (using Division 1 allowable S values in place of the Division 2 allowable Sm values). The steady state temperature profile in the vessel (without insulation or refractory) is shown below.